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Workshop with Christian Skovgaard Petersen

Updated: May 13, 2020

Our Thursday workshop with Christian Petersen, was a creative task to explore within ourselves and discuss/note down - what (how much) we feel, we would be able to achieve and what would be considered reasonable or as standard to what is expected of us all, for each individual briefs.

A good workshop all things considered. As if gave us all the opportunity to hone in and be honest - on what is achievable for this short (time-restrained) brief.

Overall, briefly - This workshop was about discussing possible, plausible and probable outcomes of my brief - discussing privately, as to what level of work I believe, feel or hope I will be able to achieve and produce, for my summative submission.

Worth while, and definitely worth documenting. (A task such as this, definitely helps to ground you, when you feel overwhelmed or stressed about a current brief, or have any unobtainable/in-practical goals).

- Preferable - Achieving the submission specifications, But pushing myself to produce 'more' - a possibility to 'blend' this idea and brief towards my FMP proposal ideas.

- Probable - Brief specifications; 2x greetings card designs, 1x gift bag, 1x boxed note card, 1x gift wrap, 1x gift tag, and achieving the minimum competition specifications.

- Plausible - Possibly aiming higher and producing more; (possibly double?) including the expected level of work for the competition submission.

- Possible - Producing a full Greetings acrd and gift wrap collection; Sending them for print and potentially sending them to publishers/or a platform of market production who have their fingers on the pulse for general sales. (gain an insight)? I don't know.

Below, is an image of a few brief notes and Christians (censored) sketches, from our private 1 to 1 tutorial, discussing my chosen current greetings card brief, and exploring what my current ideas were;

"Stick to the detail, and re-identify why I originally loved and drew elaborate detailed illustration, and integrate this within you Greetings card brief".

BASICALLY, I got the feeling Christian loves my detailed design, and he felt it would be a shame for me to dismiss this talent. He made it very clear that i should hold on to this traditional technique, re-identify and integrate this strongly within this brief, and to make sure I don't loose sight of why i became such a refined illustrator in the first place. But to morph my skill of intricacy and hand drawn illustrations together with my burning design for digital production an graphic design.

A VERY, very important and influential tutorial for myself and my current practice. Christian really made me realise, that he was definitely right - and I need to re-think my direction.

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