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Processes / Adobe InDesign workshop

Updated: Mar 3, 2020

Week 03; Adobe InDesign software workshop, 3 hour session: -

Mini Brief, screenshot of the workshop and task achievements, in more detail below: -

Furthermore, an artist that appealed to me within the 'how to' PDF document supplied by Lydia, stood out to me - due to the detail, style of illustration and colour palette. I certainly aim to research further into this artist, as i feel this would be a good reference for me, and to build my artist research portfolio.

Below, are some slide screenshots of the PDF document supplied by Lydia; All with clear step by step tutorials on 'how to' use and utilise the Adobe InDesign Software - for a beginner user, similarly to myself.

pg.15 , Depicting very plainly and simply - instructions on how to set up, and utilise the software.

pg.31 , Useful Youtube Tutorial links, for further 'how to' beginners guides on the software - while the option for using Lynda is also available. Furthermore, a short explanation on 'Today's Task' and what we are expected to achieve within the workshop today.

Further - 'how to', easy explanations on further skills and techniques you can use within the Adobe InDesign software - such as character/text design, etc.

Below, are some scanned images of my own personal note taking throughout this 3 hour workshop - although its all online, and documented as a save for me to use - i will always find something very satisfying about having my own bible of notes to look back on - especially when it comes to software, as they're personalised and even more easier to use for myself, when i do decide to look back on them.

A second page, full of hand written 'step-by-step' notes.

We were then given the task of producing an Adobe InDesign page or leaflet design - utilising all the skills you have learnt within this workshop - while simultaneously linking the 'Future 100' chosen categories from the previous workshop task, to utilise as the main subject theme for your designed page or leaflet, within this workshop.

Mine being - No.26, Legacy Preservation/the preservation of historical Architectural Structures: -

Screenshot below: - depicting my preliminary workshop stages - testing and trying the different steps within the PDF development slides, such as the character and paragraph InDesign editing and the image placing/cropping and keyboard tricks to improve my user experience of the software.

Furthermore, the second page below, is also a still of my very first steps towards the 'Page or Leaflet' task: -

After a few attempts, twists and designs - I eventually was happy enough with this style, I decided to stick with it, as an almost 'front' page to the leaflet.

A full JPEG file of the design, below: -

Image below, depicting further steps for pg.2 of the leaflet: -

I decided to play around with shapes, text/characters, opacity and placing images on angles for dynamic lines etc, to draw your eyes around the page. Initially, like my own exploration of the tools available on the left-hand-side of the InDesign software, but furthermore, for a beginner i was quite impressed with what i was able to push myself outside of my comfort-zone and produce.

Below, is a large JPEG file of this design below: -

Moreover, a third software attempt for a page within the leaflet design: -

I decided to take inspiration from the 'English Heritage' site leaflet design, as shown below: -

Preliminary design layout; created on Adobe Photoshop - as a head start for the software design. As shown below: -

Image placed, within Adobe InDesign for some further creative software design ideas: -

To be continued...

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