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Easter Mini brief, LinkedIn Learning/Course or Workshops x2: -

Updated: May 13, 2020

Week 11, 2nd Easter Mini brief, during the COVID-19 Lockdown;

LinkedIn Learning Courses & worthwhile workshop sessions: -

Again, The brief below is very clear and legible - but I thought to include a scan - with all my scribbles and notes - simple due to aesthetic and artistic reasoning - as it helps to convey my coherent thought processes throughout this current term and mini brief;

Below are 2 self - chosen workshop and tutorials i decided to carry out for this mini brief; one digital and the other very hands on and traditional ; but both have very clear correlations to my current practice and Greetings card brief: -

Beginning with, my first workshop; "ART HOUR".

A 'hour' weekly workshop, carried out by my previous foundation Diploma, Collage Tutor 'Claire Murray', digitally through 'Zoom', every Monday - primarily costing a minimal £5.

- Immediately, upon viewing this workshop advertisement, I knew that this would link greatly, and benefit my current live brief tremendously - So i therefore signed up, and I am utilising this experience for this current Easter Mini Brief;

A multi-media materials list, was added to the introductory advertisement; which heavily reflected my previous practice - 'roots' if you will, when my previous 'college' practice was influences heavily by the influence of the fabulously talented Claire, when she was my tutor over the duration of 3 years in education. I was elated, and excited to be back at it - and taking a much more expressive route within my artistic practices.

Overall, my notes depict my overall experience and feeling towards the workshop. explain just how it felt to be back in my creative 'messy' element, within my design. I was thoroughly immersed, and i just simply love this style of design. (And not so sound big headed, I'm really quite good with water colour as a media. It's definitely a water based media you have to learn, similar to a skill or workshop technique).

While, furthermore trying to write down my thoughts - in relation to my current brief direction.

Images below, show clear screen-shot captures, of Claire Murrays 'Art Hour' workshop.

My final 8 expressive, and very colourful sample designs: -

Medias I used were:

- Watercolours

- powdered watercolour pigments

- Gouache

- warm water

- salt

I really, really loved this workshop. Well worth being a part of.

Secondly, my 2nd Course, I decided to briefly study - was a LinkedIn learning workshop - giving me a broader insight into 'Procreate & Adobe Draw' both a completely digital drawing app, which I would have considered at one point a complete juxtaposition of my practice, but little did a know - it would become such an important component, currently within my Graphic Design practice.

The notes above, denote; A short introduction into what this virtual course actually explores. Being, 'Virtually inking with this Procreate Draw App' by Von Glitschka. A short educational video to help improve my user experience with the procreate software."

My notes depict my honest thought process throughout watching the 12 minute video tutorial. Such as; 'The video itself is a tutorial on how to initially use the Adobe draw app, for the Ipad pro, there from some of the techniques may not apply for the Procreate app'.


'ACTUALLY - I was mistaken! this video leads to a full course on drawing with the Adobe app, it shows you how to build vectors, how to link your Adobe draw app to Adobe Illustrator on your desktop and also, many how to tutorials videos in producing your own lettering; which initially if we had more time, this could be a great course to complete to improve my technical practice for this project'.

My notes continue below;

'Diving straight in to the tutorial; Beginning with how to import your own analogue image of a photograph or original line drawing or physical sketch; Once imported you can then have the opportunity to trace the lines virtually - using your I-pen or stylus, to produce a clean aesthetically pleasing DIGITALLY drawn 'vector' image, which can then be exported into a JPEG of PSD/PDF file, to be imported then through other digital softwares'.

Von Glitschka then, gives brief tutorials into a few digital editing and 'app' tricks that are available, that i didn't previously know existed; such as:

- 'ultimately when tracing an image using Adobe draw, if you trace an image, vaguely - but your immediate goal is to fill your current line 'shape' in, once your lines have no gaps - if you double click/tap the screen within the shape, this will fill your shape with your selected colour!'

and many more.

I then begin to express my gratitude, and begin to touch upon my continued change of opinion within the realm of digital art, and Graphic Design/Illustration. As my knowledge and skills grows - the more Im really starting to love this new artistic pathway! (I didn't see this coming!)

Definitely with the watch!

Below are a few screen-shot images of the LinkedIn Learning course;

Below, is an example of the vast level of video tutorials available, to be watched a taught. I would love to take the time to study this course in more detail. I feel I may benefit from these greatly!

Below, is an example of my current practice; and how DIGITALLy drawing has become a very prominent illustrative technique, during this current design brief, (Theirs just so much you can achieve!): -

And finally, below are a few final screen-shot images - for more close up - of my current digital practice, as i work my way round this new software - and just how much detail, I try to implement into each illustrative design i produce;

Thoroughly enjoying the direction my practice is going in!

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