Wednesday 26th Feb, 2020; Our morning workshop was a second visiting lecturer workshop - similar to last weeks, elevator pitch workshop - but this week covering the 'story telling' element of a professional practice. (A more personal touch on something as formal as a business venture), A really helpful and professional practice to carry out for creative people - as it gives a much more personal and touching view on yourself a creator you become RELATABLE, and people begin to LISTEN: -
The image below, (Written on the right hand-side of the page) denote the notes I captured from this lecture;
They began, as follows: -
- "Light the spark and carry the flame".
- What makes 'it' a story? - "When what we hear creates a connection between us".
- Stories speak TO us and speak FOR us, they can help, guide, warn and advise - but only when we are ACTIVELY listening".
- When we HEAR and SEE, stories - we become more self aware".
Reflection: -
" - Is involvement
- is emotional
- is not analytical
- is selective and subjective
- is authentic self disclosure
- is an invitation to others
- true for the teller
- true for the audience
- true for the moment
- true for the purpose "
The image below, denotes further hand-written notes for the 'Story Telling' workshop - across the right and left hand page: -
audience --> CONTENT <-- purpose
^ tone ^
- "Stories should define characters, their relationships and embed them on a sequence of events".
- "Stories should 'delight' and instruct imagination and truth need not conflict".
- "Stories comfort, reassure and offer direction and hope".
- "Stories often depart from our shared norms and prevailing frames".
- Utilising a gap. Stories give us the framework to identify 'the gap' and how it might be closed.
- The opportunity fro assumption surfacing and testing.
- The opportunity for change.
(Shaw, Bromley and Brown 1998)
(Conflict - dramatic conflict - move to resolution).
Overall, this workshop was really interesting - I thought the idea and concept of it - when reflected on your own practice / or group project - could be a very professional practice to have. Something i will be re-using in the future.
This seminar was fantastic!! Well worth going! 100% - I learnt loads! - a definite recommend!
The notes i was able to capture (which wasn't very many) throughout this seminar (Shown in the image above, right and below, left), were as follows, including some pictures i was able to capture during the duration of the seminar: -
Innovative Creative Exchange: -
- Elmwood, No.1 DBA design effectiveness award winners;
- "It's no longer good enough to be the best of the best, you need to be the only, one person who does what you do" - Jesrry Garcia
- Marketing is stimulus; (Sight, touch, sound, smell & taste)
- Response barriers; (Dislike/ like/ approach/ avoidance/ interest levels/ length of stay/ amount spent)
- Triggers activate specific brain pathways!
Images taken in the duration of the seminar, below;