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Writer's pictureIndianna Mia Calvin

C I&E Myers Briggs Personality Type & Group Task

Updated: Mar 19, 2020

This week we were set an introductory task of carrying out our own Myers Briggs personality test - and to bring our results with us, to the morning of our session on the 29/01/20;

My results, were as follows: -

Introversion 29%

Sensing 32%

Thinking 96%

& Judging 37%

We then spent the majority of the session, exploring the ins and outs of the 'Myers Briggs' personality type explanations; As shown within my hand-written notes above and below, grouped together as separate categories.

We were then using the 'MB' test - as a good link to behaviour when 'working in a workplace'.

"Personality type is a way of describing your own unique style at work", It gives you a really good insight into the people you higher and how their personality can 'solves problems', 'what motivates you' and 'how you do your best work'. Which then uncovers four dimensions of personality, energy style, cognitive style, values and self management style.

After about a 2 hour duration of seminar style lecturing - we were then given the opportunity to use our 'Myers Briggs personality test' results and form peer groups of about x6.

The group we formed between ourselves, initially had 7 members; Myself, Chloe, Shady, Frank, Jack and Lydia.

We were then asked to begin mind-mapping and exploring a few primary questions supplied by Jo.

-Writing down our 'Myers Briggs' results

-What kind of opportunities are available/un-available in our town/town centre

-What kind of workshop/business would we like to collaborate in or come up with

Idea exploration below: -

Primarily, we started to note down everybody's MB test results, and we found we all have a very similar trait in us all - we were all 'T'hinkers, which was cool! especially being in a group of peers, we hadn't previously every worked together before - It was nice to find out before we dived into the task we all had something in common together.

We then started to note down values, and ideas we were passionate about - in relation to the task - and how we, as university post-graduates would like to give back to the community; as shown above within the 4 sections brain storm.

We then began to refine our previous notes, in slightly more detail, as shown below: -

In more detail, our initial ideas for this task was to work together and produce almost a multi-generational skill sharing activity/workshop that everybody is welcome to join in with - a workshop that thrives off people being a part of the 'group', an artistic community of volunteers. of in other words above, "a community safe space to learn, join in, create, transfer skills, relax - while preventing the loss of artistic craft".

Simultaneously brainstorming ideas towards - space - and utilising unknown or abandoned spaces for our theoretical workshop. Then the idea of having a 'legal guardianship' within a shop or market space - also became an idea within the discussion that we all appealed too. Discussing the idea of mills around our town left empty - and juxtaposition-ing them to mills in different towns and cities that are being utilised for new purposes - such as those of spas/beauty rooms/artists studios/shops/museums, etc.

We were really excited about the ideas we were generating but unfortunately our session was coming to an end - but we were excited for things to come! - Until next week!

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