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Fernando Pessoa - Himself

Updated: Feb 5, 2020

Through Bright-space, we were given the task to watch a '40 minute' Audio interview between 'Richard Zenith, Dr Marina Graf de Castro and Professor Bernard Mr Guirk', and the listen and take notes about the one and only Artist - Fernando Pessoa himself.

& I did exactly that, I laid and listened to the podcast taking thorough notes as it played, and I have clearly shown examples of this work and my notes below, before the workshop linking with Pessoa took-place the following Thursday;

Citing, information I believed to be critical or of some substance;

Continuation of information I believed to be relevant and important in relation to Pessoa himself, and the methodology of his own practice.

(Left, a continuation of the Podcast notes, towards the right-hand-side top of the page. Right, depicting my quick hand-written notes of the Fernando Pessoa workshop itself).

The Fernando Pessoa workshop began as an explanation from Sara; We were primarily given the task of producing a piece of art, and a group collaborated GIF and Vimeo video for Sara to Post on her own personal blog - within the three hour duration of the workshop -

The workshop began, with us all being instructed to pick one of the many heteronyms and characters Pessoa used/fronted as throughout his career, all individually printed out onto a4 sheets and places . on the table at the front of the class, I decided to quickly run over-there, and swiftly pick up 'Number 1, Fernando Pessoa, Himself/Artist' - As we were then given the task of producing a piece of art (Within the three hour duration of the workshop) that links to Fernando Pessoa and the character you have chosen AND your own practice; being said - the initial reason i decided to chose 'Number 1' in the first place, was because I knew I would be able to do some initial research - and find a strong architectural link with him, as a person or from his historical background.

After some initial research on the Internet, I was able to uncover some information about Pessoa, and about his background - finding a 'google maps' reference picture to the building Pessoa was born in, once resides and habituated at one point in his life. Decided to swiftly download the image, Zoom in as much as the 'iphoto' preview would allow, and illustrate quickly in pencil, a section of the - bay doors, bannister and balcony - on the exterior of the building. I then worked into the graphite pencil, using my own personal watercolour set, allowing the piece to dry - and then working into the paint using further graphite pencil and my fine liner ink pens for detail.

After the about '2-hours and 45 minutes' I was able to produce a fairly well detailed finished piece for this quick group task, to then run up to 'floor 3 or 4' to find the Scanners in the Art and Architectural Barbara Hepworth building - in order to send it to myself through e-mail - which will then, allow me to digitally manipulate my print - and drop it into photoshop to follow through with the group task of producing a GIF, and Vimeo video.

(Notes, Depicting clear 'step by step' simple easy to follow guide/steps for me to follow in order to produce a simple '5-sill image' GIF moving image.)

The final 'Piece' I was able to produce for this workshop;

The GIF;

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