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Formative Opera & Moving Image Powerpoint & Feedback

Updated: Feb 5, 2020

The formative Opera and moving image powerpoint went really well! I was so nervous - especially, with expecting that i had done most of the task wrong, but it actually went really well , and i was so pleased, especially with receiving such positive feedback off both Sara, Marc and my fellow peers too. What a relief!

It began, by us all arranging the seats at one side of the studio, in a half crescent shape around a chosen mac desktop computer, while we all took turns, in no specific order presenting for about 9-10 minutes, along with 5 full minutes of further questions and critical feedback.

My presentation went as follows: -

(Slide 1; Title page)

(Slide 2; Touching upon the workshop on Thursday, 6th November 2019, and the 3-hour opera/after effects adobe software workshop. It was great to really delve into some new software, and begin (try) to produce a quick, rendered, motion clip, which adapted, flowed and changed with the tempo of the chosen soundtrack. Very cool, especially the new video editing software.)

(Slide 3; Initial ideas for attempt no 2. Exploring the primary steps of research towards this task - exploring and deciding on a royalty-free Opera soundtrack, and expressing why I appealed to the track, and why I felt this one, in particular would link with my initial practice - and aims - and why?)

(Slide 4; Moonlight Sonata By Beethoven. Youtube video clip and sheet music, of the soundtrack itself that I aim to use for this task.)

(Slide 5; Background information & Ascertained information on Beethoven himself, and Moonlight Sonata.)

(Slide 6; Brainstorming Initial Ideas and aims for this task. One being a continuous moving image/time lapse of a watercolour and sketch developing - supporting the Opera audio. Two, being and working into the primary after-effects attempt, of block colour etc. Three being, an illustrative video, moving, sketching, fast, slow, hard, light etc.. as the tempo changes within the soundtrack itself.)

(Slide 7; Personal creative practice videos, as examples for my social media platforms. Including clear, bullet point reflective journaling and personal notes, as to what I would like to produce, including aims/challenges I would like to achieve for this task overall, as a final motion-video.)

(Slide 8; Youtube examples of the (style and technique of filming with music as a background soundtrack) That I aim to try an re-create in my own practice but with direct intentions of fulfilling this Opera task objectives. One element of constructive criticism i gain from Marc, in relation to these samples was that; the video on the Left , was an illustrative soundtrack supported by an illustrative timeline. This video on the Right, was an illustrative video timeline, supported by soundtrack audio. One very important element for me to think about , when confronted with the 'style' and methodology i aim to use for my final outcome of this task.)

(Slide 9; Further initial research proposal steps. - If i had more time to work into this task outside of the allocated three weeks, expressing personal goals and achievements i would like to work towards - as a completed and finished motion video. Something I can be proud of as a finished pice, and include within my portfolio, and document on my website and social media platforms.)

(APA References - Bibliography and used sources.)

(Notebook scan above;) Overall, hand-written reflective journaling; An overall step-by-step walkthrough of the presentation, and how I believe it all went. Including the feedback I ascertained at the end from all my tutors and fellow peers in my group.

(Notebook scan above;) Furthering my reflective journaling, to the very end. Including the clear feedback from both Sara and Marc, written as positive criticism and how I can develop this task to the best of my abilities.

Overall, a really positive presentation, which went as well as i could have hooped. -Nervous at first - of course - but facing my fears it went really well. Proud as punch!

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