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Graphic Design MA - Self Portraits

Updated: Feb 5, 2020

Week one we were given the opportunity to introduce ourselves personally to the group, via standing at the front; Explaining who we are, what our names are, a fact (past and future), and what it is you aim to get out of carrying out a Masters in Graphic Design.

From the very start of the concepts workshop - Sara Nesturuk , our tutor for this semester has been super friendly, polite and enthusiastic with us all, and I am extremely excited to work with her - as she specialises in motion-films through Graphic Design, and that is one subject and methodology I would love to learn much-more about.

One methodology I utilise without fail, is hand-writing down all my reflective thoughts, important notes, one-to-one discussions and critical feedback down in my creative journal; ensuring i never forget any important critical or positive feedback towards my creative practice etc...

Throughout my blog; I will ensure I scan, and post all my notes for each individual session - in order to reflect on and show evidence of all my work from each, and all these sessions:-

(Notes beginning on the right hand side of the notebook, labelled "Self Portraits") , Depicting visual notes on the Motion Graphics examples and references - such as - 'Danger Beach, Apache' and "Honda Advertisement', And some self reflection on the direction of my own creative practice.

(Notes on the Left-hand side) Depict, self reflection towards how I may be able to link my own Creative practice, with a more 'motion/Graphic design directions', Furthermore; including notes of the 'task of the day'. (Notes on the Right-hand side) Depict the 'Task of the week' and the initial tasks I need to personally take - in order to improve my own ideas and 'headspace' for my own creative direction.

We were then given a creative task of 30 minutes, to produce our own depiction of a 'Self Portrait' and out own Creative practice - (In other words, a piece of art which clearly depicts who you are as an artist and the style of design you produce - including style/methodology/direction/theme/etc).

The way I decided to tackle this task was; I emptied out my pencil case to find all my (0.03/0.05/0.1) fine liners, in black, light-grey, dark-grey and brown shades. Quickly deciding on a 'subject' - being an architectural illustrator the first initial idea I had as an observational reportage artist, was to look out, across the paths from the large bay windows in the Studio, and illustrate a small portion of the stone building/bay window of Canal-side-west.

Quickly and aggressively sketching my way through the paper in my notebook - I just finished as 30 minutes was up - producing an A5 architectural sketch - to the best of my abilities with limited tools i had, to produce an example of whom I am as an Illustrator, and as a quick example of my own practice for the group - as shown below:

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