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Zoom group meeting with Lydia & Anneke, Initial ideas + Feedback;

Updated: Nov 4, 2020

This zoom meeting was full of analytical , actual and important details dates and information.

Notes below, denote some of the notes I gained from the meeting;

Exploring details such as;

Discussing credits, How much we need in total to submit. And all daline dates etc. And platforms/referencing etc that we need to be aware of before moving onto more key information.

Key information Noted down, were; The answers to some key FMP Questions;

Weightings: -

I seemed to have solely noted down the weighting I thought would be best for me, that being a 70% - 30% ratio.

We then explored - Research aims and Methodologies, Being given a number of questions and giving our first initial answers; The first question and answer being;

Q; What is my research topic / theme or question?

A; Greetings stationery & The juxtaposition of analog methodologies through digital media, and the exploration of print and greetings stationary in a commercial context.

Q; What secondary research do i need to do?

A; Primarily live investigation/ of online research into colour theory and categories for a broad collection.

Q; What research do I need to do?

A; Live field research within shops/ questionnaires/ unbiased responses etc. Are there any gaps in the market?

Q; What methods might I use?

A; Multimedia/ Analog/ Expressive/ Digital.

Q; What might my outcome be?

A; A film personalized broad - collection / website / packaging / gift tags / etc...


- Returning to my project proposal -

Q; How might my Ideas have changed?

A; I have completely drifted away from architectural design in order to explore new routes and new pathways into my practice.

Q; What key themes have evolved since starting my MA?

A; That I have a very unique drawing style, and I mustn't limit my practice, to just one subject area; As their is quite a lot I can actually achieve. (Not just traditional either).

Q; Research into new ways of learning?

A; Carrying on with LinkedIN learning tutorials into graphic design and DIGITAL softwares; Learning TEXT is key this term.

Q; Development and creative methodologies?

A; Containing my traditional / expressive / creative and painterly side; While contrasting it against heavily digital and software based processes. "Multimedia".

Q; Research into your subject?

A; Themes, concepts, ideas, contexts, commercial, creative industry.

Email after the zoom; Thanking those who attended but also attaching a further task to the email to complete;

Attaching a group tutorial zoom, for us all to go through our task answers together; For imperative feedback at this point;

I decided to begin mind mapping again; Denoting my ideas and refining my ideas, to uncover to exactly I want to study this term;

One very prominent theme I've uncovered within my refinement was that of; The appeal to dedicating my work this term towards 'Organic botanical forms/ Greenery' and so on. A drive. A longing for this. (Which is good. as this is something I feel passionate about).

Completing my personal development plan; Major Project 2020;

Answering some critical questions in refined detail: -

Shown below;

The notes from my group tutorial with Lydia, are shown below.

My journal notes were as follows;

"The natural world + well being" or "A gender neutral approach to designing card stationery /Giftware".

When and Who buys cards / Gift wrap etc?

Research: -

Perhaps think about illustration design and which products you would describe as gender neutral. e.g. some beverages that have interesting natural motifs but have a wide appeal. See what you can find. Consider why they succeed in being genre neutral?

You may want to produce a 'visual resource library' + Find some relevant academic/ industry, research.

Second Task of the session: -

Terminology: - (Reading a bulk of text, and refining the main pinnacle terminology from it);

Mine being;

"Packaged sentiments; The social meaning of greetings cards by Alexandra Jaffe"

- Commodity: -

- Social criticisms

- Impersonal

- Ambiguous

- Authenticated

- Exploit

- Appropriated

- Intrinsically

- Sociolinguistics

- Opposing

Task 2: -

Analyse (Abstract, into and conclusion) and in 2 sentences 'Sum' up the text: -

This text analyses the social uses and meaning og greetings cards; between opposing social categories of 'gift' vs 'commodity'.

A great session. But we then had a group crit to attend. Which I enjoy because it gives me a lot of feedback and analytical notes that I can utilize at a later date.

My feedback, in bullet points. Were as follows:

-Digital collections inspired by:

- COVID-19

- More in touch with their home environments

- Gardens / Green theme etc.

- 20. - 30 demographic

- home cooking/ herbal gardens

- Live action research / questionnaire

- need correlation links

- what have people been up to?


- statistics/ fractal analytics in support of my argument.

Lydia's email, with feedback attached and further critical information for the course from all of our group crits. Shown below;

My analytical feedback, in order to help aid me on my with FMP Ideas, from Lydia & critical group notes; were as follows; "FEEDBACK FOR INDIANNA": -

"The natural world + Well being"


"A non-gendered approach to designing card-stationery-giftware?"

Gender neutral cards/gift/packaging

When and who buys cards/ gift wrap etc?


Perhaps think about illustration design and which products you would describe as gender neutral - e.g. some beverages that have interesting neutral motifs but have a wide appeal. See what you can find... consider why they succeed in being gender neutral?


Find some "Academic or industry" Research that is current and relevant to either of your ideas, eg. LINK . or search for some importance of nature in wellbeing (as seen during C-19). There will be alot to review im sure - try and tease out what's relevant for you. LINK.


You may want to develop a Visual Resource Library

Ultimately you want to develop a Business Report?

Have a look as this:

Rise Design and Sine: LINK

And this is interesting... LINK

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