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Terminology writing task with Lydia; 11/06/20: -

Updated: Nov 4, 2020

11/06/10; Group workshop with Lydia.

A valuable academic workshop in refining research texts: -

My notes went as follows;

Group Tutorial with Lydia and Anneke;

Journal notes: (Utilising my written feedback:)

"The natural world + well being" or "A gender neutral approach to designing card stationery /Giftware".

When and Who buys cards / Gift wrap etc?

Research: -

Perhaps think about illustration design and which products you would describe as gender neutral. e.g. some beverages that have interesting natural motifs but have a wide appeal. See what you can find. Consider why they succeed in being genre neutral?

You may want to produce a 'visual resource library' + Find some relevant academic/ industry, research.

Second Task of the session: -

Terminology: - (Reading a bulk of text, and refining the main pinnacle terminology from it);

Mine being;

"Packaged sentiments; The social meaning of greetings cards by Alexandra Jaffe"

- Commodity: -

- Social criticisms

- Impersonal

- Ambiguous

- Authenticated

- Exploit

- Appropriated

- Intrinsically

- Sociolinguistics

- Opposing

Task 2: -

Analyse (Abstract, into and conclusion) and in 2 sentences 'Sum' up the text: -

This text analyses the social uses and meaning og greetings cards; between opposing social categories of 'gift' vs 'commodity'.

Task Three: Have another go, A second piece of Academic research with the same analytical format of research: -

My second text being;

Mintel reports. 'Consumer Attitudes Towards Cut Flowers and Houseplants: Inc Impact of COVID-19 - UK - May 2020'.


- COVID-19

- Impact

- Attitudes

- Pandemic

- Distribution

- Global

- 'Domino Effect'

- Analytical

- Quantitative

- Data

- Behaviour

- Percentage

Analyse & Sum up;

This Mintel report, textualises Behaviour in society in relation to the impact Covid-19 has had on UK Consumer society in relation to a botanical theme. The data is concise, factual and quantitative. a Reliable source full of factual academic data.

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