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Second Group Tutorial, Where I am currently up too within my practice; 09/07/20: -

Updated: Nov 4, 2020

Where I am currently up too.

Im currently at my illustrative phase, in hope that this will spark a few further ideas for my practice.

I've been on the web, in aid to find some secondary sourced photography of Herbal botany and 'rustic collection' almost style. My aim is to draw each one, as a seperate layer file, through Procreate - in over to use them later within editing.

Simply from google, I will admit. But at this moment in time due to Lockdown and COVID-19. I have no access to any herbal gardens at present.

I uploaded my images onto my software; As shown below;

I then began to sketch.

Here are a few examples below, in collage form, to show you my screenshot process so far;

I received an email shortly after, denoting key facts and tasks for the next Group crit on Thursday 9th July.

Denoting, That they would like us to produce a 3 page PDF of where we are currently up to within our projects in order to gain some feedback on our digital zoom from the group.

So I did just that;

My 4 PDF pages, of where I am currently up too, ready for my tutorial;

The image below, denote the notes I was able to jot down after I had taken my turn and spoken about my current practice. Shown below;

The notes say;

Group Crit feedback:

- Do an anonymous survey questionnaire, to find out what people have been up too during lockdown. - GREAT IDEA

- Procreate brushes - Gumroad - DeviantArt -Font? DK Lemon Yellow Sun - Dafont -

- A live response to COVID-19 - Title suggestion?

- A side project Idea? - from the questionnaire would be to; Produce a competition template, asking each who took the survey to insert an image denotin what they have been up too; to produce a collage of responses!

- Participant responses using things aorund the house; a collaged image.

- *Youtube - Collage - layers - responses using stuff - found in your home - Colour responses. Great Idea

- Bronte; "Love them!" , "Less detail than usual, but still incredibly detailed; Love your drawing so much!"

- Stuff; Being related to what you have now, in lockdown during COVID-19.

- People interested in this subject. COVID-19.

- ONLINE - or a FORUM Target audience, for some. Facebook.

- Library

- And finally; Put your work on one of these platforms, to buy - put it up for sale - get some interest - some real responses.

We then shortly after, received some more feedback via Lydia. Attached in the email. And also some further key facts or information regarding the course that we needed to know.

Feedback document;

My feedback;

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