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Sara Nesteruk Workshop Two; (Intense Workshop): -

Updated: Nov 3, 2020

May 28th, a rather intense workshop out of the three. We were instructed to produce 19x illustrations in total; as a group zoom workshop - for the intention of producing a Vimeo animation video.

Picture below denoting the poster Sara Nesturuk produced for the Thursday workshop digital Zoom.

All the details, below;

We started off the workshop, by an instruction. To find an object - this can be absolutely anything - that you are happy to draw and happy for everybody in the zoom call, to draw too. So I did, i decided to choose one of my succulent plants situated in my office.

The first task was to take 10 minutes, and illustrate how ever you please. your object. As a full image utilised for your title page, within the Vimeo we create at the end.

So I did just that; and my 10 minute illustration is that below;

Reference images as shown; (Including the ones sent to the group for the moving-animation;

And so our task began. The first being an air diffuser. The aim of the task is to produce 3 separate different images, all denoting a different step - allowing for a moving animation to be created.

The first of the three, were as follows;




Second object was a Lemon, All in distinct stages until I was finished completely with my sketch;




Thirdly, The object was a some kind of polar-bear paper weight. Again, all in illustrative stages until I was finished with my drawing;




Then it was the turn of my object; My Succulent plant;



Three; (Different from my first attempt, but I tried my very best to include as much detail and illustrative etching marks as i could).

The fifth object was some hone-grown Tomatoes, still on their stem. A beautiful image;

Again in three steps.




Finally, the sixth object. A paintbrush - This image wasn't the exact imaged supplied by our peer. Just an image found online - as his internet dropped. However, we persevered. Producing a three staged illustration.

The first being;

Second (Slightly more detail);

Finally; My finished and third illustration with added colour;

The Vimeo link, of all our pieces put together as an edited and movie:

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