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Sara Nesteruk Workshop One; (Creative Introduction): -

Updated: Nov 4, 2020

Thursday 14th May , First week back - beginning our Final Major Projects! (All while in lockdown due to COVID-19)

Our studies began, with a series of workshop style Zoom calls - with Graphic Designer Sarah Nesteruk;

An example of her workshop sheet, is shown below: -

References to follow: -

The task itself today, was; Primarily introducing yourself again to Sara, and to give yourself a few minutes to explain 'what you have been up to', within your studies and how they have changed since we had Sara as a tutor at the beginning of our MA journey.

Which was then followed with multiple exploratory and Graphically illustrative 'motion' example videos; in order to surface some influence within the group.

The task once the videos, and artistic examples were fresh in our minds - we were then asked to do an illustration in 5 timed minutes - of absolutely anything - to give an example each within the group - of our own illustrative style.

My initial outcomes was a Wonderfully bright daffodil - influenced by current times, reflecting the flowers which were beginning to bloom from all the sunshine we were having;

As shown below: -

Detailed, Sketchy and watercolour splashes - all reflect my practice perfectly - but in this case, i was showing Sara, just exactly how my practice has evolved over the last few months; as this was draws & produced solely through DIGITAL processes alone, using no traditional materials at all other than my digital I-pad and pencil along with the 'procreate' software.

Love it!

Finally, we got the chance in the last few minutes of todays workshop - to speak personally with Sara, and we were given the literature example below; 'How to write about contemporary art - Gilda William'; for our writing/ dissertations to come - in order to help or aid us in some way with our structures - and i thought id include this as I've found and purchased this book myself - and it is largely a great recommendation!

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