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Producing; My To Do List template: -

Updated: Nov 5, 2020

Below is my To do list, which sits proudly on my office wall - as a daily reminder of just how much work I have left to do;

More specifically; Those of my Template / Frame work collection examples;

More specifically - regarding this blog post in the design of a Grocery or / To do list;

Ove very prominent design Idea, was one from Anneke on my formative. The idea of pulling ideas together - if its a grocery list why not pair botanical of herbal ingredients/smells/flavours together;

As shown below in their feedback notes;

I loved the idea - especially flavours. So I began to do some research; Uncovering a multitude of websites - all to do with cooking etc. But more specifically - what i was looking for was a biography of Herbal flavours - and when foods they are best served with etc. So I began some further research.

Two very prominent websites were that of.

Sunset - 32 indispensable herbs. Describing their name, and how they taste. And eve when they can be parred with;

Secondly, Reliable website GOOP; A wellness website - full of herbal remedies to combine & produce home remedies.

This website went into great detail about herbs, their combinations and cooking tips. Just what I was looking for really.

Not to begin my Design route;

I began with my initial sketch out Idea; as It has worked quite well for my so far; The use of writing out my cognitive thoughts onto the page so I can see just exactly, what it is i am trying to achieve;

And So I began;

Adobe photoshop, a multitude of editing techniques, combinations and layers to produce that I thought was quite a clever design for a mundane 'grocery list' you would find on a kitchen shelf;

Im enjoying the scrapbook-ness of my designs which are almost listing off the page, and rustic nature of the designs.

Over all just really enjoying how my collection is coming together.

A zoom in screenshot, of my previous design idea coming to life; what herb is situated adjacent to the lines. This one being CHIVES, the Flavour of such herb, and what hey are great paired with.

Just - a great great design idea from Anneke - It really gave this design something quite special. A great idea relating to the subject of the template - cooking tips and such a like!

Very happy, indeed.

All that is missing was my Green botanical background;


& Finalized. Ready for an overall save - until again the one to one tutorial - issuing the recommendation to change my font. Which I did, happily as they look far much more professional and tied together - some great advice.

My calligraphy sheet;

Editing and daving , my new finals for my templates. Overjoyed with how they now look.

Very, very, very happy with my Collection.

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