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Producing an Instruction/ Template breakdown sheet: -

Updated: Nov 5, 2020

I then, to conquer another point of the many in my list, wanted to produce my Instruction Example Sheet;

Startin with the influence found in my formative feedback;

And, in slightly more basic english - from my verbal one to one notes;

To begin this task, it started off with, myself going through the hundreds of digital PNG files, I have edited and created within my vast 'digital collection' library. And to located, uncovered and write down on paper - which exact files I needed to use - in order to produce my NOTES template.

Once located. It was time to start pullyin, and CMD them through into Adobe Photoshop software;

Once uploaded onto photoshop - I began with my concurrent theme botanical green backdrop for my collection. Pull out the LONG ripped sheet.PMG, and transforming the placement to be situated on almost the majority of the canvas to be able to include all my points and text, on to it.

I then needed a title.

In order to make this title, 'Instruction Sheet' as shown below; I have been grabbing my Ipad, utlising Procreate to do some calligraphy phrases, and air dropping them back on to my desktop macintosh - to pull them through photoshop.

An example of this is below;

Below, you can see how I have done some calligraphy font for this specific task - along with some arrows, some bullet point numbers, and some underscoring lines - through procreate with my Apple pencil - then air dropped them back to be plunged through editing software such as those stated above.

Each to be taken apart, selected and cropped as separate png files, to be utilised as individual files, which can then be used further within editing;

I pulled my calligraphy font twice, both slight adjacent to one another, dropping the opacity on one, inorder for a shadow to be created.

I then proceeded, to type out each step using a clear Ariel front for easy reading ability. While also simultaneously utilising some of the arrows, lines and numbers, combining them in with the text I was adding. To overall produce the instruction sheet shown below;

The Notes file, below. Is the Template I was using for my Instruction steps.

Therefore, If you follow all the steps as stated above, you could create the template file, shown below;

Very happy with how this turned out!

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