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Producing a professional LOGO;

Updated: Nov 4, 2020

I decided during the summer months while sitting out in the sun, to grab my ipad and begin drawing something, anything, that will aid my practice, and move me along somehow - and my immediate thought processes led to somethin I had seen on TikTok. To design a logo.

Every designer, or crafter who has work to sell - has a logo. & thus far I have not. Therefore, I decided to make one.

My initial idea was to find a template. of Squares within squares to aid my on the calligraphy.

My main initial idea was to fit all the letters within my unusually long name, within this one square. and my Ideas looked a little something like this;

I . N . D . I . A . N . N . A . M . I . A . C . A . L . V. I. N 17 letters, which can all be found, if you trace the lines closely. within my graph square.

I then began to muddle around with aesthetic background colours, calligraphy and fonts, and I ended up deciding to produce my own.

Image denoting this below.

Above the text, or through the text. their was so many options!

But overall I presumed through was much clearer. To have bold capitalised font with my signature running through it. I thought was quite clever, and resembled me. As I feel my signature is quite prominent as an artist - as I use my full name, always have. Or I utilise my my Initials using the same font, resonating a tag.

Below, show me, completely scrapping the dark gloomy background - a bad idea - i must admit, but it appeared much lighter on my ipad screen. but without is much better;

Two separate attempts at my signature running through. One completely behind the capitalised font. (That i drew by the way), and the other, with othional looping over, through and behind the capitalised front. The later was my most favorable.

Having my logo and name, pretty much there - i decided to attempt my signature watercolour style behind my initial diamond. Which appeared something a little like this. The use of orange as a colour palette was simply due to this being my favorite colour.

My outcome ended up looking a little like this: -

Below is a video, from procreate showing every single step of my progress from start to finish. Enjoy!

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