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Updated: Nov 4, 2020

Producing my positive Design Manifesto;

A screenshot denoting the feedback from my formative assessment.

'Consider how you can take the ideas you brought to the presentation (what people have been doing in lockdown to keep busy and keep their minds creatively engaged) to formulate a POSITIVE MANIFESTO. What might this look like? Could you design in?

My break down of what exactly this is - from my one to one with Lydia;

While having this one to one, Lydia instructed me one good way to educate myself on what it actually is, a positive manifesto.

After some research, I have found that a positive manifesto; is a page of information denoting just exactly what it is you are trying to create of aim to convey within your work;

This sounded like a really good idea to me, as in the creation of the file itself it will help to aid me in solidifying just exactly what it was i was trying to produce.

amd some example of Positive manifestos, are shown below in a visual collage;

I then took the initiative to begin some sketched or fact analysis of writing directly onto my Ipad within procreate.

I decided, that the way I wanted to convey my message through this file, was a bullet point from one to ten. each with a work I felt was pinnacle to my project and its values.

I then expended on each word, what exactly it was i meant by this, keeping the context light, relatable and humorous.

My primary sketch, ended up looking like this;

The task then, was to start digitally producing the files, visual combinations etc, for the manifesto itself. Which led me to my experimentation and what exactly It was i could do with it?

Below, being some oil paint spatula experimentation with primary acrylic colours. Shown below: -

Essentially, my idea for this was to begin breaking them down; separating small elements of them, and inserting them somehow with a kind of? Bullet point style. As that's what I decided to go with - so i needed to produce a visual of this somehow - and this is what I ended up managing to create;

But I needed 10 of them, so I took my time and carried on.

I felt they really were starting to appear to look quite special. Albeit. But the issue now was colour. as each of the 10 points were separated to their own context. so each of the 10 points needed to be their own colour.

So I did some experimentation through the hue and saturation tool in Adobe Photoshop, and ended up with something like these;

But it was the ornamentation and design which was throwing me off. It looks juvenile. So i persevered and kept working ito it. Im doing an MA for christ sake. So i kept trying using all the skills I have. And ended up falling on the design below; and It was aesthetically pleasing. and Visually appealing. I liked it. This was great . an almost figurative arrangement. Im very happy with how things were beginning to turn out for this file.

I then decided to add a background. a running theme. A botanical theme. so a pale green to resemble botany. And in order to keep my bullet point from blending into the background pigment I added, a slight off to the right, white diamond, to trace the outline on the figure itself.

I felt steps were really beginning to pull this file together.

Added the font, wasn't quite right; My text was blending in with all kinds of background malfunctions. persevere; I kept going.

I moved edited and refined each point, so that each text stood out against the colour. I also added my logo to the bottom right. and a title MANIFESTO to the top left, and I was really quite happy with this outcome.

So I decided to save the file as a high resolution TIFF file, and carry on with the second manifesto file. include all the text as referenced in my sketchy experimental manifesto at the start;

Saved and Finished, the first file.

I then worked into the second file, by complete plunging the bullet points into black and white, while at the same time manipulating the colour of the font to resemble to bullet point underneath on the first TIFF file. Adding my text, from my written example.

And wallah I was finished. and really quite pleased with my outcome.

As shown below;

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