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Photographing & Scanning my now, dried herbs: -

Updated: Nov 4, 2020

To photograph my newly dried herbs, to get a brightly lit backdrop without aid of a above lit shadow - due to current lockdown restrictions I had to improvise with what I had at hand, at home.

I decided to use my ipad, as a lit backdrop - while i used my phone to photograph them from above - to scan them in and clean them up using digital software later. An example of my image feed when take the pictures. They Are dark, almost silhouetted. But there's potential;

Shown below, not quite professional - or what I could have taken if I had access to the University supplies and equipment, but I tried my best - and this Is what I managed to produce;

And there was in fact potential; Image feed below;

An image library showing just a small portion of images captured. After some lighting correction and editing to be able to visually see the image much clearer. I am so very happy with how they all turned out - but it took bloody hours to get them all edited and tidied up ready to post on here;

Shown below;

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