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Live experimentation physically using my dried herbs; Textural

Updated: Nov 4, 2020

One of Anneke's many talents is coming up with some fantastic ideas for your project. This one being a prominent one within my project;

The use of my dried herbs WITHIN my artistic experimentation; As in actually utilizing the dried herbs as a paint brush or stemp through the pain. What a fabulous Idea; There for I did just that: -

I was really quite pleased with my outcomes, there wasn't as many as I would have liked - reasoning being it is actually far more fiddly then the initial Idea led me to believe, the herbs han snap - being so delicate they end up falling to dust within the pain causing texture to happen - which could be a nice element. but not through out - and I do no have the fund to replenish my materials, thus far. Seo they will have to do. It was a pleasure, and it was relaxing - A great implementation of methodologies within my design practice. One to remember.

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