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Designing my Digital PDFs, Collaborating all my files together to produce a 'Digital Collection';

Updated: Nov 5, 2020

My updated to do list shown below;

My last three points, to do before my summative submission. 20 puta-catcha summative slides, A PDF journey from A-B Selling my collection, Research and development slides, 6000 words dissertation essay. and Finally ensuring my blog work is up to date;

My digital collection notes & 'to-do-list'; For my PDFS task, As shown below in bullet point notes;

This is how I work everything out, I write all my cognitive thoughts out, then take action on my written notes;

My main influence for my collection. Botanika by Design Cuts. Thanks to this fantastic reference, I found my calling. and the inspiration of what I wanted to achieve for my Final Major Project. And I feel that it is only the repetition of adding such a wicked referenced source into my blogs, to get the recognition it deserves;

The beginning of Adobe Software, PDF Format Editing;

The detail, even down to layering a shadow. 'The future is beholden to thou who holds the pen'.

Putting all my elements, every single template and design I have produced so far, within my PDF collection, Through digital editing such as the images shown below;

My final PDF collection; Shown in sequence below;

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