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Creating customer profile examples;

Updated: Nov 4, 2020

Relating to my Formative feedback again, another one of their joint points was the production of a Customer Profile Sheet. As shown in the formative notes below;

Including my 1 to 1 notes, for the expansion of my formative feedback, and the verbal notes I gained from that helpful tutorial;

Furthermore; to continue my research, I wasn't entirely sure what a customer profile sheet exactly was, so I decided to do a small amount of research - that being google images, for some secondary sourced information.

Such as the example below;

Name. Demographic. Characteristics. Habits. Psychographics.

More than I knew what to do previously. So I took what I could get. and carried on.

Starting with another reference sketch & Idea formatting page through procreate.

Writing out some consumer examples. making them relatable and fun.

My outcome ended up looking a little something like this;

Time to produce an absolute digital manifestation of my sketch through Adobe Photoshop.

I started with a background, logo and title headline, and begin to take steps to produce what I thought was an adequate consume profile sheet. Entirely with Relative, Humerour, Fun and Positive in mind;

Beginning with lines, like a written sheet, headlines, and a linear person.

My steps, when collaborating some of my imagery and expiration together - ended up collectively looking something like this;

I then collectively made the decision, to do an second option, of hollowing our my 'human' shape on the sheet. deleting small elements of the design out. Which ended up looking like;

Overall, I feel I personally lean more towards the hollowed consumer sheet. As It looks clean and professionally edited. But I went one to produce one of each design anyway;

Moreover I also decided to add text into the design, for each 'consumer'. I kept the text light hearted but factual, and also positive but relatable. personified slightly if you will. An example of this is below;

One ammeding factor or this file over all, was the text. Each element of text needed re-adjusting come central to left hand positioning. for reader friendly and viewing purposes.

My finial design was as follows below. Overall I am very happy with my design.

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