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Cleaning up my Digital Files through Adobe Digital Software;

Updated: Nov 5, 2020

It was then the task of cleaning up every single one of my - quite literally hundreds - of herbal image files.

All with the same editing process, however; It went a little something like this.

Upload > curves > selective colour > whites > -100 on blacks & Neutrals > hue and saturation > save.

As shown in the example image below;

I then proceeded, to Edit all my images, files, pngs, scans and images - into separate files of their own; Cleaning up my Digital collection folders; A clean array of folders - soothes my anxiety.

Each separate, individual PNG file, saved as a separate descriptive adjective & number correlating to a specific file. Intentionally to clean things up and make Files such as the instruction sheet easier to produce - while also, to aid in the discovery of files at a seperate days, not just for myself but to my consumers. As shown in the example screenshots below, taking a view inside my collection files;

262 edits, all completed in one day! A fantastic achievement and huge tick off my to do list!

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