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40 Minute, One to One Session with Lydia; Being honest with myself; & Getting up to date: -

Updated: Nov 4, 2020

I am not going to go into much detail regarding this one to one session with Lydia, as it was private.

I will however expand to a certain degree, on what's currently going on.

I've been struggling, to put it bluntly. I spend pretty much every day alone, in a cold, silent apartment. with nothing but the dog as company. Its the first year i've ever moved out of my family home and in with my partner, and Lockdown has hit us all. hard. And i'm struggling.

I have bills every day mounting up - Jobs are becoming more and more harder to keep hold of. Redundancy creeping up on a vast number of people etc. Personal. But life is pretty fucking difficult right now. including not being able to go out, not being able to see family. support. nothing. So work, and my MA project has been the last thing on my mind to be blunt. And I really needed to get up to speed and speak to my tutor about it. and Well - I feel really guilty. but It was a 40 minute shit show, of my crying . Lydia if you are reading this. I am so very sorry.

But I was ever so thankful for the support and the kind words. It meant a great deal, with how i was feeling at the time. And that's about as much as i'm willing to elaborate on.

Other than, the next move for me being the filling out of an evidence form for my GP, to apply for an Extension and further time fir the Final Major Project in order to take the edge of such a shitty time.

& I will admit it did.

I cried I wrote, and I got it all out on to paper, and I handed it in to my local GP, and on that matter. Another Sh*tshow commenced, but - It made me feel alot better for the upcoming weeks. And that's all that mattered at that point in time.

Furthermore, regarding some of the feedback from last week, I decided to do a quick test on some of my Target Audiences on facebook. Unreliable, and biased data I am aware. But I was great I got Absolutely loads of responses and images! But i've had enough this week.

Ill attach a video below; See you next post!

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